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King School

An independent day school educating students PreK-Grade 12

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Student Technology & School Supplies

School Supplies & Student Technology Equipment Needs

Lower School

Supplies are provided by King School.

Elementary teachers have access to MacBooks and iPads for use with students. iPads facilitate fine-motor coordination and multimedia learning demonstrations even by students who are still developing literacy. MacBooks facilitate research and learning to type. Lower School students may not bring their own devices.

Middle School

Supply list by grade will be included in the Start of School email that is distributed in mid-August.

Middle School students have access to Chromebook computers housed on carts throughout the Middle School building. Chromebook computers accustom students to cloud computing: each student’s data is hosted on his or her own Google Apps for Education account, accessible from any web-enabled device. MacBooks are also available for use with more specialized applications. Middle school students may not bring their own devices

Upper School

Requires a Mac Laptop with Microsoft Office and TI-84 Graphing Calculator; no other required supplies. Every high school student is expected to purchase and maintain his or her own MacBook computer. With some exceptions, the school does not provide this equipment for students. Only Macintosh computers can run specialized software required for work in several academic departments. Financial Assistance is available for MacBooks for eligible students.  Please contact Director of Admission and Financial Access Nina Newman for more information.

Student Technology Policy

King's complete policies are spelled out in detail in the Student and Parent Handbook. A summary follows here:

Social Media

King provides detailed guidelines for Responsible Social Media Use.

Cell Phones and Other Mobile Devices

  • Lower School: Not permitted during school hours (7:45 a.m.-2:45 p.m.) without permission of a teacher.
  • Middle School: Not to be used without explicit permission from a teacher. Cell phones are collected at the start of each day during the advisory period and returned at the end of the school day.
  • Upper School: Outside of class, high school students may use their cell phones to make calls in the front office area and the Athletic office area only. A personal audio device such as an iPod or iPhone may be used during free periods or in Study Hall with headphones.

Personal Computers

Lower and Middle School students may not bring their own computers to school. Every Upper School student is expected to purchase and maintain his or her own MacBook computer.