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King School

An independent day school educating students PreK-Grade 12

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Community Enrichment Scholarships

Throughout King School’s history, the school has sought to enroll the most capable and talented students from a wide range of economic backgrounds. Thanks to our generous donors, we are able to offer need-based scholarships to students who enrich our community in alignment with our strategic goals:

  • Academic Excellence

  • Athletics

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

  • Community Partnerships

  • Institutional Identity

  • Strategic Enrollment Management

Community Enrichment Scholarships are multi-year commitments in order to support a student through a certain division or until graduation. Every year, we seek to replace scholarships that are ending and create new scholarships to benefit the King School community.

Our current Community Enrichment Scholarships are:

Amadeo Family Scholarship

Established in 2021 by the Amadeo family to support an academically and STEM-focused student entering in Grade 6 annually until graduation.

The Fullerton Scholar-Athlete Scholarship

Established by the Fullerton Family to support an Upper School scholar-athlete, recommended by King Coaching Staff, for 4 consecutive years.

King School Athletics Scholarship

Established by multiple King families to support Upper School scholar-athletes, recommended by King Coaching Staff.

The King School Opportunity Scholarship

Established by an anonymous donor in 2020 to support 4 consecutive years' tuition for a scholar-athlete who identifies as a student of color entering Grade 9. 

Kurbanov Family Fund

Established in 2018 by the Kurbanov Family to support tuition assistance as well as the Department of Teaching and Learning for 5 years.

The Mirza Family Scholarship

Established in 2020 by the Mirza Family to provide financial access to a Grade 9 student (or students) through graduation who would not have otherwise been able to attend King School.

Mizhen Family Scholarship

Established in 2021 by the Mizhen family to provide financial assistance to a deserving student.

Suzanne and Brian O'Callaghan Scholarship

Originally established in 2020 by Suzanne and Brian O'Callaghan, this scholarship provided the tuition for a student athlete for two consecutive years. In 2022, the O’Callaghans continued the scholarship for a new student for an additional two years.

The King School Athletic Opportunity Scholarship

Established anonymously in 2023, this scholarship will provide need-based financial access for students of color, as recommended by the King coaching staff.

The Adam Boaz Opportunity Scholarship

This scholarship was established in 2024 in memory of our beloved teacher and community member Adam Boaz. The funds will be awarded to a qualified student of color who would not otherwise have the chance to attend King School.

To learn more about establishing a Community Enrichment Scholarship, please contact Boardie Kurz at or 203-322-3496, Ext. 4401