Student Learning Profile System

The Student Learning Profile System is the crucial beginning of our approach to Teaching and Learning at King School.  King has developed this proprietary, internal system so teachers have the opportunity to meaningfully understand their students well before the classroom experience even begins. Each digital Student Profile gathers important information on the affinities of each student, as well as their talents and challenges in learning in and beyond the classroom.  

For students new to King, information is gathered from parent and student reports in the admission process, report cards, standardized testing data, and teacher recommendations and comments.  For all students, teachers devote their attention to strategies which will benefit the individual student, both by emphasizing their competencies and supporting their challenges. This approach allows for all students to accelerate their learning trajectory with direct support from their teachers.

Student Profile Sample

As students grow as a learner and community member throughout their time at King, teachers, advisors, Directors of Teaching and Learning, parents, and the students provide input which informs these living documents to keep them relevant.  King’s Student Learning Profile System is used as one of many important tools that guide teachers’ decisions about how to approach individuals and plan their all important collaborations in the classroom.