Shevon Morris

  • Science and Mathematics Faculty
  • Faculty Member at King since 2011
  • Lower School Science Coordinator. Grade 4 Mathematics Teacher.
  • BA, Lycoming College
  • MPS, Manhattan College

What motivated you to become a science teacher?
I have always been a tactile learner who learns best by “doing.” Science in elementary school is very tactile. Students get to manipulate materials to try to find answers to the questions that they have about the world around them.

What do you hope your students gain from knowing you?
I hope that students gain an appreciation and excitement for the sciences. I aim for my students to feel confident asking questions and even getting it wrong sometimes. I want them to understand that some of the best scientific discoveries have come from mistakes!

Describe a lesson you look forward to each year?
I really enjoy Dry Ice Day. Each year around Halloween, I do a whole day lesson with every grade investigating the properties of frozen carbon dioxide. The students learn about what dry ice is and safety when working with frozen carbon dioxide. Students also get to see sublimation in action and we talk about how matter changes form. We do some experimenting with density of gases and bubbles and the students get to work with older students to explore the dry ice.

How has science influenced your life?
Science is everything and everywhere! Science is in the food that I eat and the light that I use to see as I type. Science is in the block tower that my four year old daughter builds. Even if I did not consciously think about how science influenced my life, it would continue to do so on a momentary basis.

Describe what you feel sets apart King and our students?
The King Faculty actively investigate programs and policies to ensure that our students have a deep understanding and authentic connection to the topics being taught, taking into consideration each student's individual strengths and interests which allows the students to thrive.

What advice would you offer to students who are new to King?
Take a chance! Don’t be afraid to ask questions and try clubs or activities that are new to you. Your teachers and peers will always be willing to guide you!

What drew you to becoming involved in Engineering Club?
As our school actively investigates how to best deliver Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM), I find myself researching new and exciting programs and projects to bring into the classroom to help the students gain a greater understanding of how we use Science in our everyday lives. In Engineering club, we investigate real-world problems and try to come up with solutions to them. I think the club connects global education with science and helps students to have a greater understanding of how they can make a difference.

What was the benefit of your King Sabbatical?
My King Sabbatical gave me an opportunity to focus on flood prevention, planning, design, and evaluation. I am able to incorporate my hands-on experience with engineering practices and problem solving into my classroom science units.