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Upper School Special Programs Night Highlights King's Unique Offerings

King’s Art and Design, Athletics, College Counseling, Global Education, Community Service, Leadership, Performing Arts, Science, and World Languages departments shined during Upper School Special Programs Night on Tuesday, January 30. The evening event welcomed over 100 attendees to the Upper School Library Learning Commons. 

“At King, our academic and our educational program extends broadly and deeply,” said Head of Upper School and Associate Head of School for Strategic Programs Marnie Sadlowsky in her opening address. “We’re excited to give you a taste of some of the wonderful programs, opportunities, and challenges we have to offer our students here in our school.”

Following her remarks, Sadlowsky introduced upper school leadership, who provided a brief overview of their program, concluding with Jessica Landis, Director of College Counseling.

Landis highlighted how King’s four-year approach to college counseling is based on helping students discover and foster their passions through robust academic and extracurricular experiences. She noted that through this model, her department can more effectively identify the right colleges for students and help them formulate a strategy to stand out in the admission process.

“Before you come to me with the questions, make sure you're talking to all of these people,” she said, motioning to the program leaders and upper school students in the room. “These are really the resources that are helping students build the story that, ultimately, I'm going to help them translate to the colleges on the other end.”

Lively discussion filled the remainder of the event as King families and families interested in a King education met with faculty and students to learn more.

“I think a really strong pillar of the Global Education program here is the travel program that kind of opens your eyes to different perspectives around the world,” said Matt Rivera ’25. “I was able to travel to France and Switzerland last summer to learn about high-energy science and experience the culture.”

Katie Ruhe ’25 agreed, “It definitely broadened my world perspective and made me a more engaged global citizen.”

Nick Butler ’24 discussed his experience with World Languages at King.

“I’ve been studying Chinese since sixth grade,” he said. “I’m in a more advanced level now and my teacher has done a great job supporting me. She’s been preparing separate readings and programs to help me advance my knowledge.”

In many discussions, students noted their appreciation for the ability to pursue multiple interests at King.  

“This year, I’m making two short films for my O.P.E.N. art project, I’m leading the GSA, and I went to St. Louis for the Student Diversity Leadership Conference,” said Liv King ’24. “My strategies class helps a lot with balancing my time. My teacher is even helping me organize a talent show for my senior project.”