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King School

An independent day school educating students PreK-Grade 12

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Exploring Identity in Grade 2: A Multidisciplinary Approach

Grade 2 students embarked on a deep exploration of selfhood as they investigated the driving question, “How do we share and celebrate our identity to create a classroom community where everyone belongs?” Over the course of six weeks, they engaged in interdisciplinary lessons that celebrated their individuality and cultivated an appreciation for the similarities and differences around them. The unit promoted academic growth and strengthened social-emotional skills, helping students build a stronger sense of community.

Teachers Emily Decker and Claire Rosztocy led the core unit, guiding students through reading, writing, and discussion lessons utilizing a selection of books curated by the Teacher Librarian and Lower School DEIB coordinator Leigh Roberts. Students engaged in activities like bubble mapping their unique qualities, writing acrostic poems using their names, and writing and illustrating unique personal narratives from their lives.

Family members played an important role in enriching the lessons through classroom visits and sharing aspects of their cultural identities, from traditions and art forms to music and cuisine. These visits helped further deepen students’ understanding of the diverse backgrounds that make up their classroom community.

Other classes scaffolded the themes introduced by Decker and Rosztocy.

In science, teacher Charlotte Walsh discussed the uniqueness of fingerprints and how melanin colors and protects skin from the sun’s rays. Art lessons with teacher Alexa Orndhal focused on color and form as students studied their reflections in mirrors to better illustrate self-portraits. Collaborative experiences with Verónica Guevara’s Grade 7 Spanish class provided insight into the diversity of the greater King community.

Culminating the unit, students synthesized their learning by creating posters featuring their self-portraits and literary work. On Tuesday, December 10, families were invited to view the completed work, which showcased the grade’s individuality and collective identity, reinforcing the idea that at King School, everyone belongs.