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King School

An independent day school educating students PreK-Grade 12

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Sixth Grade is a Year of Transition and Growth

Building on the leadership and curiosity developed in Grade 5, we strive to help students build a sense of autonomy, independence, and understand that their voice matters in the community. The entire Grade 6 program revolves around the major essential questions: Who am I? and Who are we?

The Grade 6 learning environment provides a supportive and nurturing atmosphere that promotes students' academic, social, and emotional development. A hands-on methodology and personal interest approach are key ingredients to helping students progress through challenging and complicated course work and concepts. Generally, development of basic skills through application in content areas is emphasized. Teachers work collaboratively to provide support, encouragement, and opportunity to capture teachable moments to promote a student’s personal growth and character development.

Goals: Time Management, Organization, and Critical Thinking

At King School, we foster a culture of wonder and empower students to be active participants in their learning through an inquiry-based education. We emphasize developing research skills and engaging students in real-life problem-solving to achieve individual academic excellence. Students embrace hands-on experiences, discovering the world around them in all subjects. The teaching methodology relies on strong relationships with faculty and mentors, encouraging lifelong curiosity and purpose. This approach not only prepares students for their future academic pursuits but also contributes to their overall fulfillment and happiness in life beyond graduation.

At King’s Middle School we promote self-discovery and encourage students to explore their academic, artistic, and athletic talents in ways that are balanced and lead to growth and overall wellness.

Academic Program


Fundamentals of Communication: Grade 6 English is dedicated to the exploration of multicultural voices. The essential question: Who am I? takes on greater meaning as students explore a series of stories from around the world.


Global Perspectives: Students begin a comprehensive study of major world regions by focusing on Latin America, Africa, and Asia. They explore and analyze the geography, culture, economic, and political structures, connections between ancient and modern history, social development, and role of religion within each region. They also learn to compare and contrast the unique features of those areas while appreciating their individual significance in current world affairs.


Earth Science: The focus of grade 6 Science is for students to experience and question the unknown. They will be encouraged and challenged to conceptually connect concepts between units. These connections will help build on their science knowledge and develop a deeper understanding of natural processes in the world.


Pre-Algebra 6: The Mathematics faculty works to enhance and expand student understanding of pattern, order, relation, and structure, and the development of abilities of logical analysis, deduction, conjecture and proof, and calculation within the context of these patterns and structures. Students learn that the process used in obtaining a solution is at least as important as a correct answer. The faculty also works to ensure that each student is thoroughly familiar with analytical, computational, and problem-solving methods, as well as logical patterns of reasoning.

  • MAT 602 - A course in which students begin to develop PreAlgebra skills.
  • MAT 601 - A course in which students begin to develop PreAlgebra skills at a faster pace.
  • MAT 600 - A course in which students begin to develop PreAlgebra skills at an Honors level depth.

World Language

Level 1 - Spanish, French, or Mandarin: Students develop a fundamental understanding of language and culture, building their speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in the target language.

Performing Arts

Instrumental Program: The program is designed to expand the strong audiation skills developed in the LS Music Program by transferring those skills to instruments. Beginning Band is a foundation course, in which no experience is required. The program has a strong focus on developing and expanding on the technical skill set required to play an instrument. In addition, there is strong emphasis on developing musical language skills, such as the reading of basic music notation and fundamentals of music theory.

Choral Program: The Middle School Choir program developmentally is the natural extension of the music techniques the students learn in Lower School at the King School. Keeping with the growth mindset, the Middle School Choir program offers students the opportunity to grow both as musicians and learners.

Co-Curricular Courses

Technology and Innovation

Students will become familiar with basic computer terminology, online digital safety and learn effective use of Google applications. Students will experience “understanding by doing” instruction by completing real world projects using Google applications as well as Microsoft office products. Students also learn to manipulate shapes and use drawing tools to create 3D projects. Students learn design through different types of modeling and supports. Students create prototypes for the STEM challenges before the final project is presented. When students complete this course they will have acquired a foundation that will help them use their digital devices appropriately and efficiently.

Sixth Grade Art

Students have opportunities to express themselves through a variety of two-dimensional and three- dimensional techniques including drawing, painting, and sculpture. Assignments progress sequentially from simple to complex while simultaneously focusing on developing students’ visual, motor, and expressive skills. Students develop critical thinking skills as they apply to visual aesthetic issues and build up technical proficiency with tools and construction techniques.

Life skills

The objective of the Life Skills syllabus is to help students improve decision making processes. Understanding differing perspectives, clarifying one’s own values, and developing social skills for effective communication are at the core of this course. Topical information is presented in classes which stimulates discussion on the following ideas: understanding self, building teamwork, resolving conflict, respecting difference, understanding human sexuality, and providing service to others. Teachers act as facilitators to present a variety of lessons designed to be informative and allow for personal clarification through the group process.

Practicing Creativity and Self-Expression Through the Arts

Whether preparing for an upcoming ensemble performance or pursuing an individual passion, students enjoy a range of performing arts classes at King. Take a walk through the campus’s state-of-the-art Performing Arts Center, and you will find teachers thoughtfully guiding students through lessons that focus on building a sense of community alongside technical skills.

Read More about Practicing Creativity and Self-Expression Through the Arts

Clubs and Community Events


The Advisory Program is designed to provide students with support and guidance. Each MS student has an Advisor to serve as a mentor and advocate. Advisory groups offer students the opportunity to experience a small community within the community. Advisors act as the primary point of contact and adult advocate for their students. They also help students prepare for and facilitate our Student Led Parent Conferences.


The Middle School has a tradition of creating various clubs that provide students with an opportunity to explore interests that do not necessarily fall into our core programming. All MS students participate in one club actively. Clubs are both faculty-generated and student-generated. Most clubs are held during our activity period or after school. Club offerings have included, but are not limited to: Newspaper, Board Games, Odyssey of the Mind, Basketball, and KING Cares.


King School Athletics offers a diverse, comprehensive program designed as an essential component of the overall educational experience. At the Middle School level, we believe in providing our students with the chance to learn about a variety of different athletic opportunities, including individual and team sports as well as health and wellness related activities, to experience the lessons of teamwork and sportsmanship, and to develop fundamental skills and games strategies in an engaging and challenging atmosphere. All students participate in three seasons of Athletics.

Middle School U

This fall, King School launched Middle School University for new and returning students entering Grade 6. The engaging program took place during the first two weeks of school and provided an introduction to essential skills and concepts for successful learning in middle school.

Read More about Middle School U