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King School

An independent day school educating students PreK-Grade 12

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The Power of Wonder

At King, the smartest person in the room is not the one with all the answers but the one with all the questions.

Our students are the curious ones – the ones who aren’t afraid to ask why, to try something new, to get it wrong before they get it right.

Because if it wasn’t for curiosity, no one would have ever discovered that the earth is round. If it wasn’t for questions, we wouldn’t know that we can fly. If it wasn’t for exploration, we would never have reached the moon. Questions took us there.

We believe in the POWER OF WONDER.

Lower School (PreK - Grade 5)

We create an environment that elevates wonder, curiosity, and joy. Our program is an interactive, hands-on experience that nurtures a love of learning and working with others. 

We foster self-discovery and encourage students to explore their academic, artistic, and athletic talents in ways that promote balance, growth, and overall wellness.

We empower students by emphasizing self-knowledge, expansive learning, and courageous thinking. These qualities lead to happy, healthy, and purposeful lives.

lower school students in biology class
students learning robotics
students in science class


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The Power of Inquiry

It begins with students as agents in the learning experience. When students are exploring, reflecting, questioning, evaluating, making connections — and expert educators are creating and welcoming these moments of discovery — students are truly learning.

Every day students are engaging as curious thinkers, challenging their intellect, and building the skills needed to lead lives of ongoing inquiry.

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The Power of Belonging

We welcome different viewpoints and perspectives. Ensuring that every member of the community enjoys a sense of belonging is paramount to the school’s mission and aligned with our virtues of Integrity, Kindness, Perseverance, and Respect. 

We celebrate our differences and various backgrounds, and we become stronger together.

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The Power of a King Education

King alumni thrive in college and rise to the top of any field or industry. Powered by their curiosity and guided by dedicated and expert educators, our students learn and learn how to learn. Armed with all the necessary skills that they will need in their lives beyond King, they leave ready to tackle the next chapters of their lives.

Our students strive to make an impact as bold, curious, and imaginative leaders and change-makers. By the time they graduate, they are better prepared to better the world. 

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King Kicks Off the New Year With Lots of Energy and Enthusiasm

Beautiful weather set the stage for a joyful start to the 2024-25 academic year at King School as students, faculty, and staff reunited for a year focused on learning, growth, and forging connections. Head of School Carol Maoz and Division Heads provided insight into this year’s theme, “Making Connections,” during opening assemblies. The theme echoed throughout the week as students bonded with old and new friends in classrooms, on athletic fields, and during lunch gatherings.

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Upper School Athletics Preseason

The fall Vikings athletic season is off to a strong start, with athletes returning early for preseason training. Teams, including volleyball, football, soccer, field hockey, crew, and cross country, have shown impressive dedication, teamwork, and progress, setting the stage for a promising year. Highlights include notable preseason wins and solid team-building efforts. The annual Women of Will program empowered female athletes, and the Fall Athlete Celebration and family cookout helped foster connections within the King community. 

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Coming Together to Make Connections

The lower school courtyard was filled with a sense of belonging and pride as over 120 members of the King School community came together for the second annual Families of Students of Color BBQ. The lively event fostered a sense of connection and inclusion, underscoring King’s commitment to building a strong sense of belonging for all families. Families enjoyed food, music, games, and socializing throughout the beautiful evening prior to the start of school.

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International Adventures in Central America and Europe

King’s commitment to Global Education extends beyond the classroom. Yearly travel opportunities enrich middle and upper school students' knowledge and broaden their worldview. This summer, international experiences brought rising ninth graders to Costa Rica, where they immersed themselves in the local culture and environment and participated in service-learning activities supporting the Orphaned Starfish Foundation. Upper school students embraced art, history, and culture on the Global Art traversing across multiple European cities.

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Student Clubs Continue Mission-Driven Work

Students in King School clubs have remained connected this summer through projects supporting their communities. Members of the Health and Wellness Club and JFS Club recently ran activity stations at local events supporting the Bennett Cancer Center and Jewish Family Services. Meanwhile, The Frog Project focused on assembling new vivariums for their growing population of endangered red-banded dart frogs and creating a large 90-gallon vivarium for Jenkinson's Aquarium to help educate the public on the species.

Read More about Student Clubs Continue Mission-Driven Work